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ap. Prof. Marcus Granegger, PhD

ap. Prof. Marcus Granegger, PhD

Head of CD Laboratory for Mechanical Circulatory Support

Department of Cardiac Surgery
Group Leader 

ORCID: 0000-0002-1425-1236
P: +43 (0)1 40400-69490

Animal models; Artificial Organs; Bioengineering; Biomedical Engineering; Blood; Cardiovascular; Cardiovascular System; Heart; Heart Failure

Research interests
My research focuses on device-based treatment options for unmet medical needs in cardiovascular medicine. On the one hand our group develops innovative systems for mechanical circulatory support, one the other hand we optimize the patient-device interaction to promote preservation or even recovery of cardiovascular function.

Techniques, methods & infrastructure
Our team covers the entire R&D pipeline for complex medical devices, from in-silico methods (CAD, CFD, lumped parameter models, virtual fitting), in-vitro experiments (hybrid test benches, animal/human blood experiments), ex-vivo approaches (isolated beating heart model) to in-vivo animal models (acute and chronic large animal experiments) and clinical studies.


Selected publications

Members of the CARE Team